Filing for bankruptcy is a complex process that requires you to admit that you cannot handle your debts. If you’re considering this option, you may wonder about the consequences of filing for bankruptcy. The Law Office of Tipton-Downie wants you to be comfortable with whatever decision you make. Here’s what you can expect when you file and why you should always consult with a bankruptcy attorney:

  1. It’s open to the public – When you file, your name and other personal information will be available to the general public. This means that businesses, current and future employers, banks, and others can see that you filed for bankruptcy. With this in mind, understand that filing could affect some future opportunities.
  2. Filing for bankruptcy can be expensive – This process can be fairly expensive depending on which type of bankruptcy you file. However, bankruptcy lawyers near you can walk you through these expenses and help you take steps to so you won’t sink further into debt.
  3. Buying a home or a property can be complicated – Are you’re planning on purchasing a home at some point in the future? You should be aware that filing for bankruptcy can affect whether you qualify for a loan or the interest rate you’ll be charged.

When you need a bankruptcy attorney, contact the Law Office of Tipton-Downie. Our lawyers in Vidalia, GA help clients by providing legal guidance for bankruptcy and other types of court cases.