Hiring a business lawyer is a smart decision for any company. But as a business owner, you need to make smart investments so you can make the most of your money. Part of this includes understanding how a business attorney charges for their legal services. Here’s a brief overview from the Law Office of Tipton-Downie.

  • Flat fee – Often, if a lawyer is helping with contracts, loans, or other everyday legal matters, they’ll charge a flat fee. This is a one-time fixed fee for a service.
  • Hourly fee – Most attorneys charge businesses by the hour. Do note that if your lawyer has to travel at any point, they may charge you by the day.
  • Monthly retainer – When you need a lawyer more frequently, it may be better to pay a retainer. These ongoing fees allow you to budget for the legal help you need.
  • Contingent fee – If you’re involved in a lawsuit, your attorneys in Vidalia, GA may work for a contingency fee. If the outcome is positive, the attorney will get part of the settlement. If the lawsuit doesn’t go your way, you’ll only be responsible for paying the lawyer’s expenses.

Every company’s legal needs are different. You’ll need to talk to your business attorney about the details of their billing process before you agree to work with them. When you need lawyers in Vidalia, GA for your company, call the Law Office of Tipton-Downie.