Social Security disability benefits help people maintain a good quality of life in spite of mental or physical disabilities. But what about your family? Are they entitled to any benefits as well? Every situation is different, so it’s always a good idea to talk with a Social Security disability lawyer. Here are a few facts from the attorneys at the Law Office of Tipton-Downie.

Can dependents get benefits?

If you file for Social Security disability benefits, your children may receive a benefit. This is called a dependents benefit and it provides a monetary payment that’s less than your own monthly payment. Children and teenagers who are under 19 can receive benefits.

What about spouses and ex-spouses?

Spouses who are at least 62 years old are entitled to benefits if their partner of at least ten years is disabled. If you have an ex-spouse who cares for your child, they may receive benefits until the child turns 16.

What should you expect?

There’s one way to determine which disability benefits your family is entitled to: meet with a Social Security disability lawyer. Your attorney will review the circumstances of your claim and let you know what to expect. They’ll help you file the claim and will work to make sure you get the best settlement possible. Call the Law Office of Tipton-Downie to learn more.