Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance can be a long and complex process. Some of the most common questions asked of a Social Security Disability lawyer involve labor and benefits. More specifically, can you receive Social Security disability benefits if you’re working? The Law Office of Tipton-Downie has a basic overview.

Can I work and still receive benefits?

Yes, but there are limitations. The law states that you may earn an income of up to $1,180 per month (up to $1,970 per month for persons who are visually impaired). Social Security authorities consider anything above these limits as a sign that you’re capable of working and earning a sufficient paycheck.

What’s a trial work period?

A trial work period is available for people who would like to work. This program allows beneficiaries to take on temporary work. This help the SSDI determine you they may be able to be employed. During this trial work period, your benefits will not be restricted or reduced.

What’s the Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS)?

In addition to a trial work period, the SSDI offers other work incentives for beneficiaries. The Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS) is an arrangement that allows a beneficiary to make and save income for the future.

If you need to review your claim with a Social Security disability lawyer, work with someone who has a track record of helping people get the benefits they’re entitled to. Contact the Law Office of Tipton-Downie to see how we can help you.