You’ve probably seen or heard advertisements for debt relief programs. They’re on the internet, on television, on the radio, and in newspapers and magazines. But what exactly are these programs and how do they differ from bankruptcy? Our attorneys in Vidalia, GA would like you to know the facts before you choose to work with one of these organizations.

In many cases, debt relief programs are for-profit companies that promise to help you negotiate the amount of money you owe to your creditors. Unfortunately, many of these agencies aren’t looking out for your best interests. They may promise that they can help you make your debts magically disappear. They may use fear to make you worry about what will happen if you choose another option. None of these tactics are looking out for your long-term financial health.

No one likes the idea of calling a bankruptcy attorney. The stigma around bankruptcy makes many people afraid to even ask for a consultation. However, bankruptcy attorneys are here to help you address your debt in a fair and ethical manner.

When you call the Law Office of Tipton- Downie, you’ll be speaking with bankruptcy attorneys in Vidalia, GA that you can trust. We’ll listen to your story, examine your financial situation, and make recommendations about the actions you should take. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.